lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018

For every year that Maduro remains in power, a million Venezuelans will emigrate

For every year Nicolás Maduro spent clinging to power there will be no way for the country to come out of the crisis. Hyperinflation and the collapse of the economy to levels of total destruction will end up shaking a nation whose political, economic and social neuralgia to restore it to levels of a balanced society, we will need no less than a decade for each period in which the current regime continues to control Miraflores.

If the maduristas think that the current government will put an end to hyperinflation, to the bankruptcy of private companies, that agricultural and livestock production will reach levels of maximum domestic consumption and exports, than in their homes and workplaces that have not light or water will be a very strange fact, that being in a bus stop every three minutes will pass a unit that can take it to its destination, that schools and hospitals will be efficient in terms of services, and that crime and corruption will disappear to levels of minimum observance, because finally they will stay in a totally destroyed country, together with the most submissive and elderly population trying to survive.

Every year in which Maduro continues in power, at least we will see emigrate a million Venezuelans, until finally around 50% of the country, that is, a maximum limit of emigration, equivalent to the total of its active population - together with their children - have left their homeland. It is the reality that awaits us. That will be the "revolution" that madurism will impose on Venezuelans. With the destruction of institutions, the death of democracy, and the bankruptcy of the oil industry, Venezuela will become a real hell. No one will want to live in the homeland of Bolívar, except for the dominated madurista of the country, and the social resentidos who do not care about the fate of society as a whole. Obviously, there will also be a part of citizens against their will.

A country, in which 70% and 80% of the emigrant population is between 18 and 50 years old, will not be able to survive in its economic component. Therefore, the madurismo has implemented the aberrant decision not to provide passports. It seeks with such a measure to prevent the emigration process from accelerating. Moreover, when the maduristas try to justify their ineptitude and incapacity in the face of the crisis in the country, they say that we are in an "economic war", because we must ask those impetuous of the lie: What is an important part of the population? of a country that is at war? Is not it to emigrate? Verbigracia, the madurismo even with that story of the "economic war" what he does is as we say in Creole: to throw a knife to his own neck.

That is the reason why the madurismo tries to revert the universal vision of the Venezuelan emigration, saying that now those who have left the country, "want to return". The truth is that the madurismo with this thesis, not only remains on the defensive, but why to put to deny such a reality, if as they say, emigration is in the "normal levels" than the rest of nations. Well, then, the best thing is not to remain calm before something that evidently does not affect the government in the least. Why try to deny something that is not true? It's more. If the madurismo wanted to leave this thesis of ridicule emigration, what more should do is deliver without restriction all passports that are requested, and thus show the world, in fact, in Venezuela there are no limitations for those want to leave the country.

Here the only truth is that while Maduro remains in power, Venezuela will end up completely destroyed. The oil industry in praxis belongs to the Chinese and Russians. With just over a million barrels of oil production per day, all that oil is already committed in the context of the debts that madurism has contracted with the countries mentioned, and the worst is that our refineries are also located in critical condition, which puts us in a situation of gasoline rationing in the short term, which will slow down the economic activities.
If Maduro manages to stay in power, at least for another six-year term, only the name of Venezuela will remain. The rest will be a bitter story. About being blind. Anyone with eyes to see.


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