lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2018

The Working Class: Fight or submit to the employer State

Apparently the workers of Guayana and Venezuela are very upset, because the government seeks to violate their economic and social demands from a self-called workers' government. These conquests have cost years of struggles, conflicts and strikes through claims and demands of the working class, so that now the national government and a complacent and kneeling trade union to the employer try to violate at a stroke these rights embodied in collective contracts. The unity and organization so elementary for the struggle is eroded by a group of unionists from the official sector who have divided, deceived and manipulated the workers, with the purpose that the workers' movement becomes docile, subservient and obedient to the guidelines. of the ruling sector, the interests of workers do not obey political parties or are anchored to any government, but if they try to violate their historical claims. The traitors and distractions of the working class, are in a dilemma, with whom to square with the employer or with the workers, before their commercial and commercial interests will end up squared with the most powerful, the patron State.

The foolishness that Maduro and the group of trade unionists of the Bolivarian Socialist Workers' Union (CBST) and the FBT are trying to wage against them and that they want to eliminate the Tabulator of collective hiring and impose a single Tabulator that they are applying in the public administration, before the betrayal, surrender, immobility of the union leaders of the sector. The obedient unionists and submissive to the employer, belonging to the Central and the government party try to distract the workers while they consume the infamy. In this fortnight, the workers received a payment of 450 Bs., Which is only enough to buy a kilo of cheese and bread. Because the artful blow that the Venezuelan workers received when the national government increased the minimum salary 1800 monthly sovereign bolivars, the Maduro government leveled down all the workers, disrespecting the tabulators of the collective hiring, violating the principles of the Constitution and the Organic Labor Law that says in article 89 and article 18 that labor rights are progressive, intangible and inalienable.

Among the workers' leadership there are many traitors who usurp and call themselves "trade unionists" and what they do is seek to open the doors to the pitfalls against collective bargaining. They are turncoats, confused by the patting of their bosses and the alms and governmental perks, they want to open the door to the elimination of the tabulators and all those pitfalls against collective bargaining.

Currently the working class Venezuela has not achieved a real unity in their struggles every union seems to be a particular part of the board of directors, each union, guild or board only defends their particular interests, when the interests of the working class, are collective interests and only unity, organization and leadership with a plan of struggle can consolidate the working class and achieve important victories against a starving and miserable patron who has years of disrespect for union freedom and autonomy, when he imposes parallel unions, when these do not they are fond of the government and obey the partisan interests, criminalize the protests, persecuted the workers by the repressive bodies of the State and the arrested leaders and put on the orders of courts by prosecutors of the public ministry, subjected to legal aberrations and violating human rights .

The dispersion in the struggle is the employer's advantage, before dividing the working class with distraction mechanisms or promises that never materialized, also with perks and the opportunity to corrupt themselves delivered the achievements of the working class and destroying productive and effective companies and institutions . This year there have been important struggles with the union of nurses and health workers and university professors, This struggle for a living wage, lost strength when the national government increased wages to 1,800.00 sovereign bolivars equivalent to the monetary reconversion to 180 million strong bolivars, but with another attack from the State employer when it tries to eliminate the tabulators of the collective agreements, once again the workers initiate the protests for the respect to their conquests and achievements through the collective agreements.

The workers of Guayana have reacted, they have felt the hyperinflation and the low salaries, before the economic disaster. After years of lethargy and numbness, they have mobilized despite the mattresses of containment and betrayal to the class made by Perales, Gil, Marcano, Spooner, Meléndez and Rivero of the FBT, they are demonstrating and taking the avenues and facing the CVG in Puerto Ordaz, demanding respect for the tabulators and collective bargaining, although these contract discussions are actually discussed in conciliation between the government and the persons named above. Then the demands are that the salary tabulators established in the collective contracts, payment of benefits and cancellation of wages to the workers be respected. The workers have to honor the formulas for calculating the salary concepts established in collective bargaining and also not allow the violation of the LOTTT and the Constitution by the employer.

November 2018

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